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LOCAL Support Groups and Co-ops

FACEBOOK Homeschool Groups

PIONEERS Home Education Support Services

Homeschoolers of Jackson, Michigan

Jackson Homeschool Events and Activities

Hillsdale County Homeschoolers

Irish Hills Homeschool Group

Wild and Free Homeschoolers


JAHE (Jackson Area Home Educators)

--Support Group https://www.homeschool-life.com/2245/ Email: [email protected]


JAHE Co-ops

Frontiers & Young Explorers

Visit their Facebook Page

  1. ** These co-ops meet the 1 and 3rd Friday mornings of the month.

Questions: Erin Halstead 616-522-2124. Email: [email protected]



PIONEERS Home Education School Support Ministries

- Homeschool through High School Focus and support that includes co-op classes (6th-12th grades), tutors, workshops, activities, speakers, and fellowship). Young Pioneers classes are geared for PreSchool-5th grades. The Co-op meets most Wednesdays from 8:30-3:30 in Jackson.

Visit their website at: https://www.homeschool-life.com/mi/pioneerstss/

Email: [email protected] Voicemail: 517-888-4328