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Co-Op Hours Policy

As a co-operative, PIONEERS seeks to be excellent stewards of all our resources — talent, time, and financial. As a large co-op, many hands make light work and keep costs down in overhead for hiring help. Please note the following requirement for participation in the PIONEERS Co-op:

· All 6-12 Pio families who are not currently serving the Co-op for two or more class periods per month each semester, will be required to donate one to two three-hour blocks (dependent upon number of families available to help) at the Co-op during the school year. One adult family member from each family will be assigned to work wherever they are needed in the Co-op during their volunteer co-op time. Time slots are available to serve in the areas listed below. Please refer to the PIONEERS Yearly calendar for specific dates of the event/activity. (Note YP Families are exempt from additional service hours, as they already serve weekly in the YP aide rotation).

Orientation Day - August 24th

  • Orientation Day - Door Monitor (9:15-12:30 or 12:30-3:45)
  • Orientation Day - Curriculum Room - *Assist Curriculum Director with unpacking and dispersing materials to families (12:00 – 3:30)

Week #1 - September 7th

  • Week #1 – Parent Guide – available to direct students throughout the day to classes and assist in Study Halls and support services as needed. AM 8:20-11:45; PM 11:45 – 3:30
  • Week #1 – Lunch Room Support – Closed Campus Pizza Lunch & Assembly 10:30 – 12:30


  • Christmas Lunch Day – Lunch Room Support – Assist as needed with Pizza Party (December 14th) 
  • Christmas Party Coordinator – Plan games/music/activities for 6-12 Christmas Lunch (December 14th)
  • Christmas Program (Evening event) – Help set-up/serve refreshments for Christmas Program (December 8th)

First Semester Work Day - January 25th

  • Door Monitor (AM 9:00-11:30) (PM 11:30-2:00)
  • Test Proctor (AM 9:30 – 11:30) – supervise students taking Semester Make-up Exams

Spring Program (Evening Event) - May 11th

  • Spring Program (Evening event) – Help set-up/serve refreshments for Spring Program

End of Year

  • Year-end Pizza Party– Assist as needed with Pizza Party (10:30-12:30) (May 24th)

June 7th

  • End of Year Ice Cream Fellowship & Grade Day – Help with distributing grades and ice cream (10:30 – 12:30) 
  • Used Book Sale (Trunk Sale) Coordinator – Event occurs on the same day as Grade pick-up and ice cream


  • Field Trip Coordinator(s) – Plan a field trip or activity for 6-12 Students (this could be several parents aiming to plan 4 or 5 activities for the students throughout the year (ice skating or roller-skating party, hayride/fall fellowship, skiing, sledding day, museums, concerts, zoo day….
  • Support Staff Sub – in the event of sickness or family emergency, availability to sub for a support staff member as needed (Door Monitor, Study Hall Monitor, Lunchroom, Copy Room, etc.)

If you find that you are unable to work your assigned scheduled hours, you are responsible to find someone to work for you. Since co-op hours are mandatory for all participating families, if a family cannot donate this time, an additional $50 charge per year will be assessed to their bill to compensate outside help to cover for them.