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Extra-Curricular Activities

American Heritage Girls & Trail Life – Christ Centered Scouting Programs for kids 5-17.

First Church of the Naz Group - Suzanne Drew (517) 262-3674

St. Mary’s Group – Heidi Ahlbaum – (517) 769-9269

Dahlem Nature Center 517-782-3453 https://www.dahlemcenter.org

Hurst Planetarium  Located next to Ella Sharp Park Museum, 517-787-2320 https://ellasharpmuseum.org

Shop Rat

– Connecting Today’s Youth to Tomorrows Careers. Igniting interest in manufacturing and professional trades among youth through innovation and outreach.

Phone: 517-769-2100 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.shoprat.org


Tammy Szymczyck – 517-929-3014

Makayla Thrush – 517-240-3962 [email protected]