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Student Statesmanship Institute

Student Statesmanship Institute

Pioneers Co-op once again has the exciting opportunity and privilege of partnering with the Student Statesmanship Institute (SSI), Michigan’s premiere Leadership and Biblical Worldview Training Program, to host the Mock Legislature Onsite Program at Spring Arbor University’s Poling Center on Wednesday and Thursday, March 5th and 6th.  

SSI offers this dynamic program that provides Biblical worldview teaching sessions, and real-world Leadership Training, involving the students in a true-to-life mock legislative experience. Students role-play as legislators as they debate actual bills from the Michigan Legislature and hear testimony from lobbyists during a Mock Committee hearing. During this particular hearing local officials will serve as our lobbyists giving live testimony on the bills.  Our VIP guest list of participating lobbyists includes area judges, attorneys, police officers, local and state elected officials, college professors, PIONEERS tutors, etc. This hearing allows our community leaders to meet these amazing homeschool students and share by example, how a legislative hearing actually works! Thursday evening is the capstone of the event, when the students/ “representatives” will gather together in a Mock Legislative Session where they will give speeches and present arguments  on the bills they have been working through and vote on these very key issues facing our society. 

Pioneers has been participating in this amazing program since 1999, and they continue to make it a requirement for all students participating in their Government class. Our Government students are already pre-registered, however, please note that the onsite is open to all 9th – 12th grade homeschool students.  (You do NOT have to be a PIONEERS member to participate in this event. Please feel free to share this information with other homeschool friends). Please refer to the attachments below for a complete 2025 packet of information and registration materials. Please read over the information and feel free to contact Patti Sailor, Onsite Coordinator with any questions you might have. You can also check out the SSI web site at www.ssionline.org  to learn more about the ministry. Space is limited and registration is received on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Please mark MARCH 5th and 6th on your calendar now and plan to come and support your student(s) during this exciting and dynamic program.  



  • Parent Packet (Click on "Blue" links to open each documents)
  1. Parent Letter
  2. Onsite Information Sheet
  3. Itinerary (tentative)
  4. Student Policies, Standards, and Expectations
  5. Meal Ticket Form (entre subject to change)
  6. SAU Campus Map (buildings used highlighted in red)