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Annual Achievement Testing for Homeschool students June 11 and 12th at Lansing Ave Baptist church, 4000 Lansing Ave, Jackson.

Once again we are grateful to have Mrs. Ruth Ellen Howdyshell (teacher, Jackson Christian Schools) offering our homeschool community group achievement testing with the IOWA Assessments tests. The testing will be offered on June 11 and 12 (Tuesday and Wednesday) for those desiring to have their children tested in grades K-12th. The cost for the basic test is $48 for K – 2nd grade students and $38 for 3rd grade and older. If the test is given along with the optional Cognitive Abilities Test, which helps determine if a student is working up to his potential, the cost is $68 for 1st and 2nd grades and $58 for 3rd grade and older. The administration fee for the test is $40 for K – 3rd grade. If a student is in 4th grade or above, the fee is $30 for the first student in the family and $10 for each additional student. If you are interested in having your student tested, please call Ruth Ellen Howdyshell at 517-414-5743 before May 3 to register for the testing and to obtain further details.